6 ways to optimize your wireless router for the modem

Get the unlimited Windstream Internet service for your home. You'll need to go above and beyond the standard setup procedure. Over time, installation utilities are upgraded. Sometimes internet service providers' customer support is not much action to help you out with everything. Getting the most out of your new wireless network usually necessitates going a bit farther than the conventional setup procedure. Just because you've connected everything and all the flickering lights have gone green doesn't mean your network's performance or security is up to par. To properly configure your router and maximize your wireless network, follow these simple steps.

Create a Reboot Schedule that is Automated 

Most modern routers don't require rebooting regularly. If your internet connection is slow, though, resetting your router is usually all it takes to bring you back online.


Top 6 ways to optimize your wireless router for the modem

If you find yourself resetting your router frequently, both the DD-WRT and Tomato firmware choices provide timed reboot options. Please set it to reboot once a day while you're sleeping, and you won't even notice the time it takes for the router to turn off and on.

Experiment with the location of the router

Finding the optimum router settings for fast internet isn't all there is to it. It would help if you also thought about where you'll put your router in your house.

Because your router competes with every other 2.4GHz and 5GHz device in your neighborhood, even minor adjustments can make a big difference. Furthermore, the wireless signal may be hampered by the materials used to construct your home. Wi-Fi signals are notoriously challenging to get through solid concrete barriers.

Older wireless protocols must be disabled

How can you make your wifi settings faster? Turning off obsolete wifi protocols is one of the first things you can do.

A significant margin outstrips many Internet Service Providers offers newer routers that use the 802.11ac standard. While your router may be fast, many of your devices are likely using outdated protocols, such as 802.11g, which slows down your entire network the moment this device connects.  remove if there is any device that uses the b or g protocols should. The fastest internet protocols are ac > n > g > b, in order of fastest to slowest. To learn how to accomplish this, consult your router's documentation.

Change the name of your network and your password

Many otherwise tech-savvy people still utilize their router's default login and password. With non-default passwords, even intermediate hackers can break into relatively secure networks.

Suppose your neighbors are using your Wi-Fi all day and downloading heavy data. In that case, your wifi will not be good enough for no matter you may have done an excellent job of dividing your devices into distinct bands, updating your firmware, and switching channels during peak traffic periods. So it's very important to change the name of your Wi-Fi and password.

Ensure that your router is updated

Keeping your router updated with the newest software and firmware from the manufacturer is one of the most neglected ways to increase router speed.

Sure, the upgrades are usually security improvements, but they won't make your router blazing-fast overnight. Every slight improvement, on the other hand, can help. If you haven't updated in a while, you may notice a more significant bump than you expected.

With a new antenna, you can speed up your router

Most consumer-grade routers have a terrible antenna. Without needing a new device, an amplified aftermarket antenna is a terrific remedy and a simple solution to boost signal quality (and hence speed). Aftermarket powered and amplified alternatives start at roughly $15 and go up to the low $100s. So, purchasing a new antenna is a simple way to speed up a router.

Plug-in range extenders are pricier, but they combine a powered antenna and a wireless repeater in one device. They can help homes with dead zones or signal deterioration significantly, although your results may vary.

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